Heading Towards a Secure Future Together: ACME Receives Award from WeHelpUkraine
This year, ACME marks its 30th anniversary, a significant milestone. However, the ongoing war has prompted a shift in priorities. Instead of extravagant celebrations, ACME has chosen to invest in Ukraine’s future by donating funds to a charitable cause.
Teaming up with the “WeHelpUkraine” foundation for the “Clean Land of Ukraine” project, ACME has contributed to the purchase of mine detectors. In recognition of our significant contribution to the effort of clearing Ukrainian land of mines, ACME’s leadership was honored with the prestigious Honorary Badge from the “WeHelpUkraine” foundation.
Why mine detectors?
The war with Russia has left a horrifying legacy — thousands of mines and other explosive items that pose a threat to people’s lives in liberated territories. The “Clean Land of Ukraine” project aims to clear the deoccupied territories so that people can safely return to their homes. Mine detectors are a real chance to make our land safe, clean, and beautiful again.
One mine detector saves 50 lives
There is a long and challenging task ahead: clearing liberated areas and battlefields of mines and ordnance, which still pose a threat in children’s playgrounds, parks, fields, and riverbanks.
The acquisition of mine detectors is an urgent necessity: one such device can detect up to 50 dangerous objects per month, saving people’s lives.
ACME extends its gratitude to its partners for their cooperation and the opportunity to contribute to this important cause. We believe that by working together, we can eliminate the mine threat in Ukrainian territories, ensuring a safer life for everyone.
ACME — committed to a brighter future for Ukraine!